We’re wrapping up our summer celebration of zombie music with our hands-down favorite of all time: Jonathan Coulton’s ode to office cannibalism “re: Your Brains”. This is one of Coulton’s most recognizable songs and, as it lends itself to audience participation, has become a live performance staple. We were lucky enough to see Coulton live opening for They Might Be Giants not too long ago and highly recommend the experience.
Coulton’s music is all released under the generous Creative Commons license. As such fans are encouraged to fold, spindle and mutilate the music as they like. This has resulted in a glut of amazing home-grown videos. Here’s a few of our favorites.
First up, we have the reigning champion with nearly five million views, spiffworld’s World of Warcraft machinima from way back in 2006.
Secondly, we have an animated, effects-laden version by foellmi.
Next, here’s a wonderful animatic version done as a school project by Arrem Gee.
Finally, and perhaps most impressively, is a full, live-action theatrical production slathered in blood, bile and only slightly spoiled grey matter by moontalkproductions.
Truly, this is one song that keeps giving!