Since we celebrated the first T-Virus zombie from Resident Evil last week I thought it would be nice to feature one of the more memorable zombies from the film adaptation (one of the few truly decent video-game movies ever made).
Michelle Rodriguez, playing the role of Michelle Rodriguez, features in the film as one of the last survivors of the special tactical team sent to investigate the disaster at the secret, underground research facility. She also, hands down, gets the most shit of anybody.
She’s the first to be bitten by the emerging zombie horde. Then she’s bitten again. Then she’s bitten by her best friend. Then she’s dragged around like a bleeding sack of flour. Then she used as a token in a game of blackmail. Then she dies right before they find the cure. Then she gets better. Then 20 seconds later she dies again. Then 10 seconds after that she dies again.
Rain went through hell to entertain us. For that we celebrate her.