The 1968 classic ”Night of the Living Dead“ has a lot of zombies (although, fun fact!, the word “zombie” was never used in the film). We spend most of the movie stuck in the farmhouse surrounded by a throng of milling zombies of all sorts. There are fat zombies and old zombies and businessman zombies and even a little girl zombie.
Then there’s inexplicably-naked zombie.
There the audience is sitting, all scared and tense, and then, for no reason, we just see a hot, naked zombie butt float slowly across the screen. The optimists may assume that this was an intentional commentary on the state of American society at the time. At the continuing transition from sexual repression to sexual acceptance presented in a metaphor for life, death and undeath. The pessimists may assume that the guys making the movie really wanted to have a naked woman walking around.
Whichever the case – and with apologies since I couldn’t discover the identity of the actress – we celebrate inexplicably naked (but still, we must remember: deceased) zombie!