Zombie of the Week

We continue to take the lazy road and highlight some of the amazing zombie cosplay available over at DeviantArt.com.


This week is “Zombie Princesses” by Blasteh. Models are SnarkShot as zombie Cinderella, ThePancakeBlob as Esmerelda and RagemoreRoberts as Belle.

Who doesn’t like princesses?! Cute, lovable, sweet, blood-spattered, cannabilistic, undead princesses!

(Disclaimer: Images are used gratefully, but without permission. We will strive to meet any requirements of rights holders.)

zombie_me_by_lordnetsua-d5fu33tWe continue to take the lazy road with ZOTW and highlight some of the amazing zombie cosplay available over at DeviantArt.com.

This week is “Zombie Me” by LordNetsua (photography by Joshua Hew). From the artist:

This was for a friend’s upcoming photo-manipulation zombie comic – I did all my face makeup myself – using a mix of red and black face paints, then a tissue/liquid latex paper mache for the flesh, the painted that a greeny flesh colour, and then added heaps of fake blood. I also put conditioner in my hair to make it more dead looking.

(Disclaimer: Images are used gratefully, but without permission. We will strive to meet any requirements of rights holders.)


As we’re perpetually running low on zombies to use for ZOTW here, we decided to take the easy way out for a few weeks and highlight some of the amazing zombie cosplay available over at DeviantArt.com.

First up is “Undead Drool” by Noir-SNF.

Love the eye socket and the slack lip. The photography is top-notch as well!

(Disclaimer: Images are used gratefully, but without permission. We will strive to meet any requirements of rights holders.)

Bart the Zombie CatIn a story that seems to get weirder the longer it goes on, we bring you Bart, the Zombie Cat. The Tampa Humane Society details his story thus far in “Miracle Cat Comes Back from the Grave“. Bart was apparently hit by a car in January. The owner believed the cat to be dead and buried him. Presumably after being hit with a nice dose of Trioxin, or maybe the T-Virus, the cat clawed its way out of the shallow grave and showed up back home five days later.

Amazingly the cat suffered no internal injuries. He needed extensive surgery to have his left eye removed and his jar wired shut, but he’s expected to recover, lead a full life and will probably get to wear a cool-ass eye-patch. This would make him both a pirate and a zombie.

This may be the coolest cat that’s ever existed.

All is not well in the world of undead cats, however. Apparently, as reported on CNN,  Bart is now the target of a lawsuit by his owner who claims that the humane society is refusing to return him so that they they can use him to raise donations. We refuse to take a position on the matter, but have admit that, yeah: a zombie pirate cat is clearly a cash cow.


Dead-Snow-2We’re wrapping up our retrospective of Nazi Zombies not far from where we started, with the gang from Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead. We had only thought to run with this through December but there just seem to be so damn many Nazi zombies out there.

We know that some of you may complain about our final choice. “Technically,” you might say in that annoying tone that makes us want to slap your smug face even though you’re technically correct, “these are are the same Nazi zombies that you started with!”

Yes, you are technically correct, but, as we’ve said many, many times: these are our rules, we make ’em up. Now shut up and sit down.


Zombie of the Week, Horrors of War PosterLike last week we’re continuing our festival of all things dead, nazi and wiggling with a movie that clearly fits the bill but that we’ve yet to track down and actually watch. “Horrors of War” is a 2006 movie that, if the Internet Movie Database summary is any indication just might have been a little full of itself:

HORRORS OF WAR derives from the “B” movie, Grindhouse tradition, made to play like a like a midnight movie. It is an independently-produced film made in a B-movie style, yet with a dramatic grounding and an eye toward bigger production values.

Still, who knows? The movie already has a leg up in that in that it features zombified Nazis. Or would that be Nazified zombies?

Zombie of the Week, Oasis of the ZombiesWe continue to celebrate the world of Nazi Zombies with the lost French classic from 1982 “Oasis of the Zombies” this week. “Lost” because we can’t find it anyplace and so have never see it, “French” because that’s an actual thing it is and  “Classic” because we’re clearly being extraordinarily generous.

The movie was apparently released in the U.S. under the title “Bloodsucking Nazi Zombies” but also under four or five others. The plot involves a treasure-hunting expedition scouring the African desert for lost Nazi gold that, it turns out, is still guarded by its escort: now undead. Apparently there are also helping, um, “handfuls” of boobs and gratuitous nudity but, again, we’re unable to find a copy to confirm this.

Still, Nazi zombies are Nazi zombies and that’s all that matters here!