
All posts by kiwidust

We lovingly celebrated Fallout Ghouls, in general, over two years ago. With the release of Fallout 4, things have changed. Ghouls are just as interesting as they ever were, but now they’re downright nasty. Ghouls in Fallout 4 have shed the skeletal waif look for more of a New England-style bloated, pus-filled plumpness. They attack in hordes – large hordes – often popping in on a happily looting player from grates, vents or holes in the architecture.

We’ve been seeing a lot of Ghouls as part of our Fallout 4 Play Diary over at our sister site, Here’s a short video of what happened to us when we innocently decided to visit the local comic shop:

So this week, we celebrate Fallout 4 Ghouls: in a class of their own!

This is the 137th Zombie of the Week; that’s over two years of zombies! We are desperately running out of ideas! Please contact us with suggestions!

As part of Extra-Life 2015, our team, The Vidiots, completed a 24-hour marathon of gaming, goofing and doing good by sick kids! As we approached the end, the vibe definitely had a s”shambling dead” feel. Don’ take our word for it:

We didn’t meet our fundraising goal, but still raised $418 to help the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals!

This is the 136th Zombie of the Week; that’s over two years of zombies! We are desperately running out of ideas! Please contact us with suggestions!

Ash vs The Evil Dead, Tattoo Girl 3We complete our celebration of the premier of Ash vs Evil Dead! Zombie of the Week has been overrun by Deadites one last(?) time!

We have to end, obviously, with one of the deadites from the show’s premier, so may we introduce you to… um… let’s just call her “Tattoo Girl”, I guess.

You see, Ash didn’t tell us her name. He simply met her, got horribly wasted, decided in a fit of great-than-normal stupidity to read to her from Necronomicon Ex Mortis, then black out and forget any of it ever happened. While we suspect that in his day Ash has passed on his share of sexually transmitted diseases, we’re pretty sure this girl was thinking the worst that could happen would be a visit to the clinic. Instead she was possessed by evil, had her spine snapped, her bones shattered and her head blown in tiny bits multiple times.

This is the 135th Zombie of the Week; that’s over two years of zombies! We are desperately running out of ideas! Please contact us with suggestions!

We adore Smart, insightful, no-nonsense comedy that often actually teaches you something (often things you never wanted to know, but still). So when they announced they were doing a zombie series, we were amazingly on-board. Well, it’s here! All four episodes uploaded at once for a mini-binge.

Sadly, the whole thing kinda blows. There’s giggles, but overall… it’s a pass. You want something hilarious from Cracked? Watch After Hours. Seriously, some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever seen. If you absolutely must have a story from the zombie point-of-view, why not try Wasting Away? It wasn’t great either, but it did give it one hell of a try.

IMDB, Cooties“Cooties” on IMDB

Horror/Comedy – 2014 – 88 Minutes

Zombie movies have often used infected children or infants to increase tension and create memorable moments (we’ve featured several previously as Zombies of the Week). Movies featuring homicidal children are pretty common as well (we’ve reviewed more than a few of those on our sister site, It’s manipulative to trot out the small versions of ourselves that our entire evolutionary history has convinced us not to kill (no matter how annoying they get) and create an “us or them” situation. It’s manipulative, but effective.

Here we start with something of an adversarial relationship to begin with: teachers and students. Our hero is, specifically, substitute elementary school teacher Clint (Elijah Wood, playing exactly the same character he perfected in Wilfred) who’s recently been forced to move back to his small home town after failing as a writer in New York City. He discovers that his high-school crush (Alison Pill, who is almost completely wasted) also works as a teacher and is dating the completely cliched, overbearing gym teacher (Rainn Wilson, playing Dwight Schrute from The Office). Jack McBrayer also plays, as always, himself.

After our intros, a troublesome morning and a lunch laden with foreshadowing, our teachers are made witness to a recess-of-bloody-death thanks to tainted chicken nuggets that turn all the children into mindless, ravenous cannibals. These scenes are played with enough humor to temper the reality, yet are still more than dark enough to amuse those with more twisted senses of humor. You may feel a little guilty about giggling when a school girl is knocked on her ass by a baseball cannon, but you’ll still giggle anyway.

Unfortunately, despite the promising premise, the actual execution is more mediocre than inspired. The characters are simple and single-dimensional and the challenges they face predictable. There is often tension between the humor and the horror. Instead of the former emerging organically from the latter, transitions seemed forced and lacking rhythm leaving the audience off-balance. The ending, especially, feels forced and loses much of the silliness and fun of the early movie. It’s first drawn-out, then truncated; as if the production just ran out of money (or interest).

It is a fun ride, despite the problems. There are definite high-points that had us laughing out loud, but the overall themes ultimately fail to gel. It has the makings of a great teen slumber party movie. It starts off very strong, but starts to slide at just about the time that the kids will start to goof off and ignore it. After that, there are enough interesting bits for them to look up from their phones for, but nothing so important that it will matter when they inevitably miss it.

In our continued celebration of the upcoming Halloween premier of Ash vs Evil Dead, Zombie of the Week has been overrun by Deadites! We’re bringing you our favorite Deadites from across the franchise!

We return to Army of Darkness for our last week . You might think that Evil Ash would be the obvious choice here, but alas, we already did him way back in July of 2013. Instead, we’ve decided to applaud one of the lesser mentioned, but still memorable deadites in the movie: the Ash-dubbed She-bitch.

This is the 134th Zombie of the Week; that’s over two years of zombies! We are desperately running out of ideas! Please contact us with suggestions!